Monday, January 09, 2012

Don't smoke--Vape!

It's a brand new year and many of us have made resolutions as we do every year, to rid ourselves of some bad habits and make positive changes in our lives. Unfortunately though, it seems as though too often we give up on making those changes.

I know that one of the most important resolutions I'd tried for decades to keep was to stop smoking cigarettes. Year after year, decade after decade, I tried and failed to quit smoking. Smoking was embarrassing professionally and personally, having to run outside in all kinds of weather to sneak a smoke, and feeling the eyes of people on my back, knowing that they could smell smoke on my clothes and on my breath left me feeling terribly guilty and ashamed.

My wife and kids hated that I smoked, and I hated that I was setting a bad example for them. My house and everything in it always smelled like a chimney, but I just couldn't quit no matter how many methods and times I tried to kick the habit.That's the thing about smoking--it's a complicated habit, one that involves a whole lot more than just a nicotine addiction. It involves holding a cigarette, puffing on it, having one with drinks or a meal--the list of triggers for smoking is almost endless.

 I even went so far as to have a small room addition put on my house where I could smoke without harming my family with my second hand smoke. At that point I had just given up trying to quit.

Then I heard of something called an 'e-cigarette' or electronic cigarette, but didn't know anything about them, and frankly was skeptical. After seeing a video online about e-cigs I decided to give it a shot--I had little to lose and everything to gain, so I ordered one to try. I believe that decision was one of the best I've ever made. I charged my batteries, screwed in an atomizer, popped on a cartridge and gave it a test.

Bottom line is I haven't had a cigarette since that day. Now, I 'vape' instead. (vaping is what e-cigarette users call using their electronic version of smoking)

It's not smoking, because an 'e-cig' doesn't burn anything, it heats up a liquid commonly known as e-liquid, or e-juice, produces no second (or first) hand smoke, doesn't smell and leaves no dirty ashtrays. It doesn't produce the thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke--which includes over 40 known carcinogens.

They 'taste' like cigarettes, you hold them like a cigarette, puff them and inhale the vapor that includes your choice of level of nicotine, and the vapor disappears after a few seconds. They're not sold as a means to quit smoking, but thousands of people claim they have quit using them. I know I did, and it was far easier than I thought possible. And did I mention they're way cheaper than smoking? I was a two pack a day smoker, and with the cost of cigarettes over $4 a pack these days, I used to spend more than $200 a month on cigarettes!

Including replacement parts that wear out and the e-liquid I buy, I'm spending less than $50 a month, so I'm saving more than $150 every month!

So if this is your year to quit smoking, why not try something different this time? You just might find you like e-cigs better than you ever liked cigarettes!

Take the plunge, buy an advanced 510 or an Ego Advanced starter kit from and find out what all the fuss is about. Thousands of people have, and love theirs--I know, I'm one of them!

Lenny, your friendly e-cig guy :)

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